Special Presentations for Massachusetts Senior Fire Officials
Battlefield to the Street - Understanding the Returning Public Safety Veteran
This presentation will provide an understanding of the readjustment issues for combat veterans returning from the battlefield to the street as first responders. The discussion will include how job-related incidents can "trigger" memories of combat as well as identify the resources and potential referral options for post-combat recovery for first responders.
Speaker - Hayden Duggan, Founder and President, Onsite Academy
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Boxborough Holiday Inn, Boxborough, MA
Deli Buffet Lunch cost $9.95 preregistration is required.
Register online or fax a MFA Forum registration form
to (978) 567- 3229
See the listing below for the correct Course #
There is no charge to attend and is open to all fire departments throughout Massachusetts, but
Advanced Registration IS required!
2007 - 2008 Senior Fire Officer Forum Schedule
This year the Department of Fire Services is proud to again present the Senior Fire Officer Forum, an educational series to develop leadership and command skills in the fire service. The Senior Fire Officer Forum includes six seminars for senior fire officials presented by nationally known experts starting November 2007 and running through May 2008.
Time: All of the forum presentations will be held from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Registration Required: Register online at www.mass.gov/dfs/mfa or fax a MFA registration form to (978) 567- 3229. Include lunch request with registration 7 days in advance.
Thurs., Feb 14, 2008
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Battlefield to the Street - Understanding the Returning Public Safety Veteran
Course# 200-039-672A
Speaker - Hayden Duggan, Ed. D, Instuctor at the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
Location - Boxborough Holiday Inn, Boxborough, MA
Deli Buffet Lunch Cost: $9.95 (pre-registration required)
Thurs., Mar 13, 2008
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Taking the Mystery Out of Foam, Ethanol & Biofuels
Course# 200-039-673A
Speaker - James Cottrell, Cottrell Associates, Inc., National Foam, Eastern US Factory Agent
Location - Boxborough Holiday Inn, Boxborough, MA
Deli Buffet Lunch Cost: $9.95 (pre-registration required)
Thurs., April 10, 2008
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Preventing Command Dysfunction
Course# 200-039-674A
Speaker: Chief I. David Daniels, Renton, WA. FD
Location - Boxborough Holiday Inn, Boxborough, MA
Deli Buffet Lunch Cost: $9.95 (pre-registration required)
Thurs., May 8, 2008
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Real Time Rescue
Course# 200-039-675A
Speaker: Chief Fred LaFemina, Battallion Commander FDNY
Location: Devens Common Center, Devens, MA
Deli Buffet Lunch Cost: $16.00 (pre-registration required)
Register Online at or fax a MFA Forum Registration Form to 978-567-3229